These lectures can be given any time and any place! If the description needs to be changed because of the audience, just let me know. Most classes come with booklets and some with supplies. Please contact me to set a date! andreatheherbalist@gmail.com
There are many herbs that historically have been used to develop psychic centers and help you access the “highest realms of mystic insight.” Learn how to work with these herbs to enhance prophetic and lucid dreams, strengthen meditation, enhance intuition, visions and support the third eye. Some herbs that we will discuss will be: Yarrow, Wormwood, Linden, Brahmi, Galangal, Calamus, Mugwort, the Leaf of God and much more. Come and discover how to make potions, incense, baths and talismans to support you in your endeavors
In this class we will discuss the functions of the Pineal Gland like: accessing ancient knowledge, insight, intuition, gain wisdom from the past, dream recall, clairvoyance, seeing auras, astral projection, wisdom and access other dimensions, etc. The pineal gland is also in charge of making its own DMT! We will discuss decalcification of the pineal gland with diet. We will also explore herbs that have been known to activate and stimulate the pineal gland such as Bacopa, Ginseng, Chamomile, Gota kola, Lavender and much more. We will discuss teas, incense and supplements!
House clearing should be done to remove negative energies and unwelcomed spirits from your home. Come and discover herbs and techniques from different traditions and cultures that are used to create sacred space, bring harmony and peace. We will explore, clearing, protecting and banishing, but let’s not forget offerings, making peace and calming the spirits. There is so much more to spiritual cleansing than Sage!
The aura (energy field) consists of vibrating waves that affect the quality of our daily lives. A strong aura attracts abundance, healthy relationships and is naturally resistant to negative energy and dis-ease. A healthy aura is essential to creating a healthy, happy and prosperous life. In this class we will discuss various techniques and practices to raise your vibration such as crystals, herbs and energy work. Discover straight to the point practical solutions to cleanse, strengthen, and protect your aura from draining situations.
The art of Divination can be trying at times. Learn how to boost your abilities and accuracy with herbal formulas, potions, incense etc. We will also discuss herbal formulas for cleansing our tools and clearing the space! There are also teas you can consume to raise your vibration, enhance your abilities and heighten your awareness. We will also lightly touch upon different forms of divination. Success is also about finding which form of divination works best for you
In this course we will learn how to create sacred space within and without. Discover how to create sacred space using teas, incense, floor washes, candles and more. We will discuss how several different cultures clear space for peaceful homes, meditation, ritual etc. We will discuss smoking blends and teas used by shamans to enhance different desired states. Come relax, laugh and clear your aura at the same time. We will sample exotic and euphoric teas and incense/smoke! Class comes with booklet and small bag of herbs.
Learn how to perfect your divination skills with your pendulum! The tips you learn in this class will increase your accuracy by leaps and bounds. It really is simple! In this class we will learn how to make effective ritual tool cleanser to keep the vibration of your pendulum in tune with the High Vibrations. We will also discuss teas to drink to open your psychic centers and prepare you to receive the answers you seek. Learn how to get out of your own way with quick meditation and breathing techniques that take only seconds to perform. We will sample teas and incense! Bring your favorite pendulum(s) and be ready to play! All the knowledge you seek is waiting for you to access it!
A crystal grid is the placing of stones in a sacred geometric pattern based upon intention (a specific goal). This class is designed to help you create just the right vibratory frequency to help you manifest your goals and dreams. Learn how to create grids for healing, love, abundance, protection, spiritual growth and more. Set grids inside/outside your home and on your body and change your life forever!.
THE POWER OF SMOKE: THE HISTORY OF INCENSE – Discover how to embrace the power of smoke! Historically, incense has been used for meditation, healing, ritual, exorcism, sacred space and more. We will also discuss the ways many cultures have used herbs as teas, incense and smoking blends to communicate with their Ancestors, Nature and the Divine. We will drink some of the herbs as tea and burn them to get the full experience. Lecture comes with booklet, one charcoal and small blend of resins and herbs to take home!
USING HERBS FROM YOUR SPICE RACK TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH There are herbs from yoru spice rack that you can use immediately in tight situations. For example: You can use Ginger for nausea, colds and cramps...Cinnamon for fighting bacteria...Rosemary for headhaches, etc.. Learn the basics of becoming an herbalist and make your own Infusions, Decoctions, Herbal Baths and Fomentations (topical applications)
Kidney function is more important than you probably think! Improper function of the kidneys can lead to gout, high blood pressure, poor libido, joint pain, hair loss, swelling around the ankles, skin problems etc. Learn how herbs have been used by several cultures for optimal kidney function. Discover what traditional herbalists have used for urinary tract infections, stones, gout and joint pain and other kidney related problems for hundreds of year!
topics will vary: Blood Pressure Support, Anxiety, Cancer Fighting herbs, Digestion, Female Issues, Detoxification, Insomnia etc...Learn the basics of herbalism.Find out how to create your own herbal preparations.Discover how to make your own:· Teas· Infusions (stronger teas)· Salves (topical creams)· Tinctures (alcohol based herbs)· Capsules· Herbal Baths and more At the end of this class you will create your own capsules and teas to take home.Lecture also comes with a 25 page booklet!
Come and discover how to use candles to set your intentions in motion. Learn how to amplify your candle magick. We will discuss how to use colors, herbs, oils, mirrors and petition papers. You will learn how to dress a candle and how to do candle divination by reading the messages in the glass, wax and flame. You will also learn how to support your intention with herbs if the candle is showing a dismal outcome. Our ancestors used oil lamps which predate the use of candles by thousands of years and can be an asset to any work you set out to do. Just about anything can be turned into an oil lamp. You will learn how to add herbs, petitions and stones to the oil lamp. The power of Manifestation is sitting at you fingertips. Simple oil lamp supplies will be provided. Sign up as soon as you can and reserve your Supplies and Booklet.
In this class we will discuss herbs for breaking jinxes, hexes and curses. We will explore different traditions from several cultures. We will learn how to protect and clear yourself and your loved ones. We will master the use of salts, candles, incense and more.
HERBAL TALISMANS & AMULETS - Learn how to to make simple amulets and talismans for protection, love, prosperity, creativity, health, psychic powers and more. We will also learn to change our lives using herbs, symbols, the elements and planetary energy. Create your own talisman/amulet and wear it home!
Come and discover the spiritual and physical benefits of detoxification. All cultures and religions practice some form of cleansing of the body for raising consciousness and vibration, or demonstrating certain feats we sometimes call miracles. Energy and emotions (emotions are energy) tend to get stuck in our weakest location and this is the nature of dis-ease. Toxins and emotions that get lodged in your body affect your personality and sometimes hinder growth, cloud your thinking, cause odor, foggy thinking, skin blemishes and more. We will discuss: fasting, high vibrating diets, teas, sweating, purging and other techniques to advance your physical and spiritual development.
Discover how to make and use incense to improve your life. Incense calms the mind, creates altered states of consciousness and cleanse your aura. Learn how to use incense for visions, sacred ceremonies, spiritual purification, to remove negative entities, healing, contacting ancestors, easing anxiety, depression, enhancing creativity, focus, renewing energy & psychic awareness, etc. Many cultures view incense as medicine that can calm emotional disturbances, fight insomnia, enhance sex drive, relieve headaches and so much more. It's not just for fragrance! It is one of your most powerful tools! Comes with sample of Incense that you make yourself (cones & sticks).
Many people say that they can’t meditate. Meditation is like shoe shopping! You have to find the right fit for your personality. There are just as many meditations as there are personalities. Anything can lead you into the Silence. We will talk about obstacles to meditation and what to do about them. We will also discuss helpful Teas, Incense and Sound. Come and find your fit!
Quantum physics is proving that the Evil Eye is not a myth. Thoughts are things. Thoughts are energy, and they affect your reality. We will discuss some of the symptoms, and what you can do about it. We will study the historical use of herbs, incense, baths and amulets to repel the evil eye. Learn how to protect your: self, loved ones and your belongings. You don’t want to miss this one!
This series of herbal courses is designed to empower you to heal yourself and your loved ones. Healing is a natural process that you can learn. The body knows how to heal itself it simply needs the right nutrients to do so. Healing is in the Earth and simply needs to be unleashed. Plant Medicine is your heritage. You were born a natural healer. The lectures stand-alone but you will achieve a more holistic view of healing if you take them all. Lecture comes with booklet and small bag of herbs for you to practice with.
Stress and AnxietyInsomnia and Anxiety Relief lecture with Andrea the Herbalist - We all have suffered from anxiety, stress and sleeplessness from time to time. Discover how to quiet your thoughts and calm your spirit with herbal tea, bath soaks and incense. Find out about heavy sedating herbs and soft muscle relaxers. Learn about different elements to introduce to your sleep space to buffer negative energies that may be disrupting your healthy sleeping patterns! $25 Comes with booklet and a small bag of herbs!
“Disease cannot live in a clean blood stream.” Jethro KlossLearn simple detoxification formulas, techniques and teas. Detoxification can assist in fighting all dis- ease: Gout, skin problems, (acne, eczema etc.), headaches, hormone imbalance, bad breath, weight gain, cholesterol, low energy levels, sinus, allergies etc. Discover how to create and use an old Native American formula by the Ojibwa. We will discuss its history and the clinical research to support its magnificent claims regarding blood sugar, cancer, cholesterol, immune system support and detoxification abilities. Discover traditions from several cultures and learn what to expect when you detox your body. We live in a toxic world, everyone should learn these skills.Comes with booklet
Cardiovascular Dis-ease by Andrea the Herbalist On your path to becoming an herbalist learn how to lower blood pressure, cut cholesterol, strengthen the heart, improve circulation, clean and strengthen the arteries. Prevention is the best medicine! Learn about foods, teas and spices that you can use successfully. You can test these approaches and see that they work!!! Comes with booklet.
HERBAL SECRETS: FEMALE ISSUES Through all stages of life we must deal with hormonal balance: puberty, PMS, menopause etc. In this class we will discuss how herbs have “historically” been used for: painful lumpy breast, breast enlargement, cramps, excessive bleeding, delayed menstruation, hot flashes, fibroids, excessive discharge, yeast infections, fertility, odor, thyroid, libido, hair growth, facial hair, energy and more. Bring your questions and share your experiences and personal formulas!Comes with booklet and small bag of herb.
We hardly realize the importance of our bones and joints until pain hits. Learn how to help your body heal itself. Discover herbs that assist in fighting inflammation, strengthen bones and theories behind rebuilding cartilage! Hear about diets by Dr. Christopher, Bernhard Jenson and others. Find out how to alkalize, rebuild, restore and moisturize.Comes with Booklet
The secrets of fighting the supposedly unbeatable colds and flus lies not only in killing virus and bacteria but strengthening the body’s defenses so as to not get sick at all. . Discuss a technique for busting a cold in 24 hours. Learn what our ancestors used for antibiotics and to strengthen the body’s defenses. We will discuss the folklore and the science. We will find out about herbs for colds, flus, sinus infections, fungus, mucous, bronchial disorders and boosting the Natural Killer Cell count and more. We will discuss proper diet for combating mucous. Comes with booklet and bag of herbs.
Herbal Secrets: Respiratory Health
When the lungs are not functioning optimally all of life of the body can suffer. Fluid, mucous, inflammation and constriction of the lungs affect every part of life, thinking, moods, sleep patterns, energy levels and more. Learn how traditional herbalists address afflictions of the lungs like asthma, bronchitis, coughs, shallow breathing, COPD, smokers cough, sinus infections, poor oxygenation and more.Lecture comes with booklet and a small bag of herb.
In this class we will discuss the use of herbs ruled by Mars to achieve your desires. Herbs of Mars may be used to remove obstacles that stand in your way. Most obstacles come from energy blockages within. Mars is often depicted as the planet of War, Aggression and Destruction, but used properly it can give energy to your goals. Learn to use these herbs to clear blockages that hinder your spiritual growth, love, abundance etc... Herbs of Mars are catalysts that can give energy and strength to all of your endeavors
Come and discover how to give offerings to your ancestors and other beloved dead. Certain herbs enhance their ability to communicate with you. We will also discuss altars and how to feed the deceased. Learn about ghost bait and tools for communication. We will explore how different cultures keep a happy balance between the worlds of the living and the dead.
Are you highly sensitive? Do you feel like a sponge, soaking up the emotions of those around you? Discover how to shieldyourself from thought forms, negative energy, attachments and more. You will learn how to create your own sprays, incense, cream, oils, teas and more. We will also discuss stones, affirmations and meditations to give you added protection. You will find that many of these different techniques can be used while in the mall, at work, family events, etc.
Letting go is the hardest thing to do, especially when you have been hurt, brokenhearted, or experienced the death of a loved one. We will discuss different rituals you can perform and potions to make to help with this transition. We will discuss cutting cords, stopping repetitious thoughts (memories) and keeping healthy contact with loved ones on the other side. We will also discuss how to repair broken relationships and how to let go on every level: physically, emotionally and on the astral plane! You won’t believe the energy boost you receive when you let go of that which does not belong to you. Learn how to direct this energy for healing yourself, loved ones and the world around you. Come and let the plant spirits help heal and guide you on your journey!
There is more Magick in the Bible than mainstream Christianity cares to address. We will discuss how the Bible mentions: the spiritual use of herbs, incense, anointing oils,crystals, divination, astrology, reincarnation, sacrifice, blessing, bindings, the evil eye and curses . We will lightly touch upon esoteric interpretations of the Bible. Did you know people use the book of Psalms for Magick for blessing and cursing? Do you know the significance of the "transfiguration" of Christ and his communication with Moses and Elijah (both dead people)? This will be a powerful class that you don't want to miss!
Making Plant Allies THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS with Andrea the Herbalist Come and discover how to find your plant allies. Plants have beautiful and compassionate spirits that you must introduce yourself to. They are waiting for you to get to know them and to share their wisdom with you. Plants are telepathic and sensitive to emotions, music and personalities. Our ancestors often let the plants teach them. Come discover how to learn from the plants through dreams, teas and baths. Learn how to contact their spirits, leave them gifts and make friends. We will sample teas, incense and study some of their historical spiritual and medicinal uses. Class comes with booklet
Learn how to create blends to help induce:
Lucid Dreams
Increase Libido
Enhance Meditation
Sense of Wellbeing
Deeper Sleep
Learn about herbs and blends used by Shamans and healers of other cultures for spiritual awakening and dispelling negativity and invoking Divinity.
Learn to create a sacred space within and without.Just a few herbs we will discuss will include: Blue Lily, Sage, Leaf of God, Hops, Damiana, Mullein, Hops and etc…
By means of herbal teas, supplements, essential oils, sound and smoking blends we can enhance our abilities for:
MeditationFocusRelaxationDeep SleepAnd Lucid Dreaming When we are calm and centered, we may realize our inner Self. Consequently, the serenity we attain will be reflected in the world around us. Most of our minds are chatty, scattered and we are exhausted from people “getting on our nerves.” Therefore, we must heal and strengthen our nervous system and nourish our brains.The support of plant medicine can make this journey into your Self easier. This class will also provide:simple meditation tips for beginners,book recommendations and1 FREE gram of Dreamer’s Blend Tea/Smoke/Incense!
Sensuality is not just about sex, but it is a powerful energy that can enhance creativity, manifestation and the power of attraction. So whether you are single or with someone, this class can benefit you in all stages of your life. We will discuss powerful aphrodisiacs for men and women. Learn about herbs that may assist with opening the chakras, helping you heal sexual trauma and enhance the strength of your senses (touch, taste, sight). For men we will discuss herbs for endurance, testosterone and prostate support… for women: emotional and hormonal balance with increased sensitivity. We will talk about scents, candles and affirmations for love and compassion. Discover how to increase desire and learn how to decrease it. Discover herbs and meditations that historically were used to transmute sexual energy to use for creativity, spirituality and immortality. Everything is energy and should not be repressed but transmuted. We will discuss loving ourselves (no pun intended) so that we may love others. Comes with booklet and a small bag of herb of your choice
CASTOR OIL: Healing Wonder from Past to Present
Castor oil has been named “Palma Christi” which translates to “palms of Christ” because it is believed to be a “heal all.” Historically Castor oil has been found to be beneficial for signs of aging(wrinkles), improving digestion, ease stomach problems, combat aches and pains, inhibit bacterial/viral infections, and inflammation. You will find castor oil and olive oil remedies indispensable to your household. Mastering Castor oil will help make you a powerful healer!
Discover the healing and spiritual properties of the Herbs of the Bible. There are so many! The bible prescribes healthy diets and herbs for the healing of mankind. We simply have to listen. Learn their historical and medicinal uses. Science is finally catching up to the Bible in the healing properties of herbs and the recommended Diets. Hyssop, Rue, Garlic, Aloe and more
Almost everyone has been affected by this devastating disease. We see it strike family, friends, neighbors and celebrities. Empower yourself to know what to do and how to assist conventional medicine in defeating this terrible disease. Join us and learn about therapies that people have used to heal themselves using better food choices, herbs and supplements! More and more people are beating cancer every day. Come find out how!
We all have suffered from anxiety, stress and sleeplessness from time to time. Discover how to quiet your thoughts and calm your spirit with herbal tea, bath soaks and incense. Find out about heavy sedating herbs and soft muscle relaxers. Learn about different elements to introduce to your sleep space to buffer negative energies that may be disrupting your healthy sleeping patterns!
Whether you know it or not we are living with the dead. They surround us and can affect us. Many of us have had interactions with the paranormal; some have been good, and some may have been bad. In this class we will discuss how many cultures handle their spirits: ancestors, ghosts, poltergeists etc. We will also discuss the different tools on the market: the EMF detectors, the Ghost Radar and homemade instruments of detection.